And by "
art dump" I mean "
hey let me talk at you about some of my drawings lol".

First on my list is this piece. You must know by now that I often dive into art without a preconceived thought or plan, so things turn out like this.
See, there's a maned wolf, a Japanese woodblock print of waves, street signs, and a cat with records. Make sense of it. I dare you.
The whole reason for this collage was a) I found some cool images in a newspaper and cut them out and b) I hadn't done a collage in a long time. It sort of evolved into this odd conglomeration of imagery. It is totally open for interpretation: when I thought about it more in depth, I decided to name it "California". The waves, bright colors, street signs, street-art inspired cat, and playful sunny disposition of the maned wolf made me think of that carefree, summery atmosphere associated with California.

Here's the story behind this guy.
Every day when I arrive at my college campus, I pass the ceramics department building. The campus is very green and woodsy, so the ceramics building is crawling with trees and little patches of leaves. There's a pile of these beautiful, very rustic and old-looking bricks out back, which I am strangely drawn to. (Haha get it, "drawn"?) I always pass the bricks, all nestled underneath tree branches and white speckled leaves, and I think to myself,
man I'd love to paint that sometime. Well today, our model for class didn't show up, so we went outside to draw. It was good fun, I always love a change of scenery, especially when the weather is sunny and warm.
I'm normally all sorts of terrified drawing anything vaguely square-shaped and three dimensional, so at first I was a bit hesitant with my pastel drawing of bricks. But the thing with pastels is that you just have to keep going. When you think that all is lost and your drawing is terrible and you'll never be an artist and you'll retire to the mountains to herd goats for the rest of your life because you can't draw... just KEEP. GOING. (And cancel your rush-order of goats.) Pastels are very forgiving. The more you do, the better it gets.
That aside, I came up with this drawing out of a pile of bricks. Because of the half-finished clay sculpture of a demon head on the pile of bricks, I included it, too: only I added some crazy hands and a tail. God forbid I draw something
normal. Honestly.

It is a well-known fact among my friends and family that I am never farther than 10 feet away from my sketchbook. I draw all the time. This habit is especially handy when you're stuck at Les Schwab waiting to have your car's tires rotated. I sketched myself a quick little slindragon, then wondered what I was to do after that. I had no colors, no pens, no nothing-- save for my pencil. And by then I was too art-ADD to keep sketching. So I got up, poured a cup of complementary coffee, took a sip, gagged, grabbed a stir straw, and sat back down. Using the straw I placed the coffee on the paper like I would with watercolor paints. I attracted the attention of a woman passing by; she thought it was the coolest thing that I was painting with a straw and cheap coffee. We chatted a while (turns out she knew Rob, my old art teacher) and I ended up giving her one of my business cards. Cha-ching!
I suppose that is all, for now.
Thanks for reading, hopefully your eyes aren't bleeding at this point. Thumbs up!