Anyway, we've been designing races to fill this realm, and here are a couple concept paintings I came up with for two of them.
The first one is the Avanti, the garishly-garbed iguana man. They inhabit the massive floating islands in this world, and they're quite elitist. They look down on others (haha get it, they live on a floating island?! Looking "down"? I slay me.) And they take great pride in their dress and appearance.

This little guy is a Tha'ram. Loosely based on an aardwolf, these guys are very traditional and superstitious. They live in desert caves and cliff-side villages. They're about the size of a Halfling, roughly 4'-5' tall.
Our realm is slowly coming together, and it's all sorts of fun to collaborate creatively on a project like this. Thinking about the history of the world, where the continents lay, what sorts of religions prevail, designing creatures... I can't get enough of this stuff. I feel like it's what I was meant to do: designing fantastical worlds. One of these days I'll get paid for doing this stuff, haha. Until then, I'll keep creating.
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