While checking my updates on Deviant Art, I discovered this piece of artwork done by Marian Kretschmer. And by "piece of artwork" I actually mean "24 framed areas combined to have a circumference of 44 meters and a total height of 2.5 meters joined together in an infinite panorama". Seriously.
The piece(s) are meant to describe "24 hours and one minute in a life", so it has some very major themes such as love, loss, light, darkness, and death. The style of artwork is very surreal and dreamlike, much like Salvador Dali, except containing less giraffes on fire or melting clocks. Each of the 24 panels shift into each other nearly seamlessly, lending the piece(s) an infinite loop.
Click here to see it.
Also, click here to see the pieces on display.
I have probably watched this artwork slide by for about an hour now. It's hypnotizing. And think of all the work that's been put into it! For those of you who don't believe in the Metric system, there are approximately 144.3569556 feet in 44 meters. This painting is one-hundred and fourty-four feet long, guys. And six feet tall. I am humbled. The largest painting I've ever done has been able to fit under my arm. And I have little tiny arms.
Hopefully you enjoyed this tidbit of artistic achievement.
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